Saturday, November 22, 2008

First Day with New Wheelchair

New fancy-schmancy wheelchair got delivered last evening, too late to go out last night. Mom was on it first thing this morning though! Aunt Martha visited and helped with the trip into town. We bundled up and loaded into the car... we saw a tag on the new wheelchair that says it weighs 55 lbs... no small feat! But we bundled up, loaded up and headed off to the library in search of new movies. Our library has a great new wing, great handicapped access, great media center. We picked up about 7 new movies and opted against a stroll around town because 1: it's way too cold, and 2: we didn't quite time the outing correctly with Mom's feeding... we couldn't have made it much longer before she needed to eat. So we loaded up, drove home, unloaded, unbundled and got back in bed. Mom is opting mostly for time in bed these days, she isn't too able to get very comfortable in the chair without needing constant adjustment and readjustment. Had a visit with Aunt Martha for a while and then a pretty quiet day... until the witching hour... which feels like it's gone on longer than usual tonight. Mercy is a real trooper and knows at leat as well as I do, if not better, what Mom is needing most of the time. It seems in the last few days that her right thumb, which we've always counted on for her "thumbs up" which indicates "yes"... doesn't seem to be working as well. Now we kind of just have to watch for a slight movement of the right arm at all, but she told me today she can't really do thumbs up anymore. This does make the yes's and no's harder to tell apart. Especially if she's in bed, she isn't as freed up to shake her head back and forth to say no as she would be sitting up in the chair. I keep trying to hang on to a meditation I heard once... where you just envision yourself "floating" down a river, being carried by the water, and making sure to NOT try and grab on to any roots or rocks you might see on the bank of the river... just float. I think of that often... I don't know how it's going to be from one day to the next, so trying to count on regularity or normalcy or predictability will NOT work in this case. We just have to float and try to not hang on to anything that might have been there yesterday, it might not be the same today. I try to get this from Mom too... she's always been a good "floater", able to just go along for the ride, able to be the tail of the kite, realizing always that her view and her ride was probably better than it was for those of us who have had a need to steer!

Adam's coming tomorrow for a visit and shower, and Mom's good friend Renee and her daughter Rebecca (who I haven't seen since I was probably 9 years old!) Chloe's finally agreed to give up her crutches today, she's very anxious to get back to dancing... we'll have to look into a physical therapy eval on Monday and see if we can get that going for her hamstring. Molly's over her little cold/virus from this past week but has come down with pink-eye in the last couple days. Dogs are fine, the shuffling of them from room to room, through gate after gate is becoming a little more routine.. althought my cats are crapping in my houseplants (I imagine they're probably literally having the shit scared out of them by these two huge dogs in their house!), and Phil's putting in record number of hours vaccuuming and raking leaves!

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