Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday - 11/2

Mom's doggies are here to stay, Mom's Cubby and my Daisy had an altercation today. They haven't been getting along and have been mostly separated in the house, but I guess we took our eyes off them today and Cubby got a good tooth-grip on Daisy's side. Daisy will definitely have to go stay with our neighbors for the time being. The cats, not sure yet. They may be wise enough to make themselves scarce. Time will tell. We've decided to keep the dogs here until Thanksgiving when Annie will be visiting again. By that time we should be settled in and should be better able to tell how it's all going. Most important thing is that it's Mom's wish to have her dogs around her. Adam and Annie and I spent the day tending to Mom. Annie and I visited the specialty surgical supply store in search of the right bed-bath accessories... found a 2.5 gallon bag that hangs over the bed and has a sprayer thing that helps you bathe somebody in the bed. We'll try it out tomorrow. Mom was mostly pretty discontented today, difficulty getting comfortable, more discomfort in her legs, wants her arms stretched out constantly. Annie and I finally decided to encourage Mom tonight to take something to help her relax. She's been very reluctant all along to take any medication, especially something that might alter her mood, but she is SO tense and SO agitated so much of the time that we were in agreement that she couldn't go on like this. She was agreeable to a small amount of Ativan which, so far tonight, seems to be helping to take the edge off. Hopefully she'll have a better night's sleep tonight than last night. Interesting segment on 60 minuts about a man with ALS who was trialing a device where you wear a ski-cap of sorts with a bunch of electrodes attached to it, and by simply thinking of a word, the word appeared on a computer screen. It was really amazing, will have to look at it more closely online tomorrow. It's specifically for people who are non-verbal, it can read your brain activity and translate it onto the computer where it can be read. Amazing concept. More tomorrow. Thank you all for following and for your comments and wishes. Please keep the support coming.

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