Tuesday, December 2, 2008

5:45pm, 12/2

Crazy day, not sure where this ride is headed! Mom was pretty much out of it all day today, unable to recognize the presence of anybody, unable to respond to voices, able to respond to pain (like trying to stretch out her arms). She slept soundly, no medication... definitely struggling for breath most of the day. Annie's on a flight arriving in a few hours and Adam's on his way up from the beach. Then around 3pm when she finally woke up, she seemed to "come to" a bit, at least a little able to recognize when Mercy or I were sitting with her, able to respond to our voices, able again to answer some "yes" and "no" questions. My Dad looked up that online that the CO2 retention makes sense that maybe Mom can't quite clear the CO2 while she's sleeping but then once she's awake she's able to breathe better. Her comfort has not been as easy since she's been awake... but she slept very comfortably during the day. Adam just got here, Phil and Molly just got home... lots of dogs barking... will write more later.

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